Monday, August 17, 2009


So yesterday I go to this Block Party in Bed-Stuy.. I'm sitting on some steps with my elbow on my knees chilling. I was watching the kids play and ride their bikes. I'm sitting like that for an hour.

I got up to go see what DVDs this lady was selling 2 for $1. When I stood up and started walking.. OMG I had the strangest feeling between my legs..

I continue to walk and I'm thinking, "Dang my stuff (vagina) feels funny!" I keep walking and get to the ladies table and I shifted my weight to one leg and I got this cold sensation on one side of "her".
Shift my weight to the other leg... same thing

So I walk back and I'm getting little tingles that were quite gratifying *snickers*... But She woke back up by the time I sat back down. LMAO!

Cause of a numb Va-Jay Jay: Maybe those shorts I had on with the combination of the way I was sitting on that concrete step...
