Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Is It Really Me?

Memorial Day is just passing and we are entering into the crazy long nights of summer. Well Friday, I get a text message from my sister saying, "Let's go the the Alley!". I agreed to attend this night club. When she got home we got dressed and arrived around 11pm. There are women (scratch that: females) walking around with dresses that don't cover their behinds, breasts, or child birth stretched stomachs. Of course I am used to this environment, but I am clearly getting older and don't have tolerance for that crap.

However, I met this fine gentleman by the name of Al. He was so respectful. We dirty danced a lot of the night and even spoke face to face. In a nightclub right? GO FIGURE! We exchanged numbers and continued to talk and dance and that was that.

At the end of the night I ran into an old buddy of mine and we chatted it up and I asked him about his marriage and wife. I noticed he wasn't wearing his ring so I asked him about it. This dude had the nerve to say"Oh I lost it a while back." Automatically my record skipped because your wedding band is a symbol of your commitment to this woman and you lost it. Okay, so we exchanged numbers and he mentioned hitting me up and I paid that no mind.
On the ride home I get a call from no one other than my married male friend. My 1st thought was the only reason why he's calling is to see me in an unsavory way and I'm not down for that. Of course the topic was "What are you getting into tonight?" Like HELLO dude its freaking 3 am and I'm trying to get in the bed and you should be doing the same. He contacted me a few more times through out the weekend to tell me about his marriage and how he is unhappy with her, yada yada yada, you looked so good, and I want to see you. What type of woman do I look like?
So this brings me back to the title of this blog: "IS IT REALLY ME?" Do I have this quality about me that makes these men feel that I can be that other woman and be cool with it. This is like the 3rd time this has happened to me within a month or less. I can't remember quite frankly.

"But Amber whats the point of this blog?" you may ask. I'm writing this because yeah even though I'm single and wanting a man in the worst way I can not take anyone Else's. I've seen it done so many times and my heart goes out to the women who are too blind to see what their man is doing. I feel sorry for the women who have been lied to by their men too. Because get this, I went to school with his wife too. Middle and High School. Of course it is not my place to tell her because we are not even friends, but if we see each other we will speak. On that note... next time you cheat, sleep with a taken man or contemplate it; think about the lives you destroy. I know I'm scarred from it. Angela Basset as Bernadine from "Waiting to Exhale" said something like "I need to be held even if it is a lie." I will be damned if that's me...
