Really? We Still Causing Division?
I have GOT to get this off my chest. This has been bothering me for the longest and it's an on going issue.
Why are people still blinded by color or skin tone? Black people are still stuck on light skin and dark skin. Which one is better or worse as far as who to date or trust.
I started to notice this crap when I was in high school. I was on the bus and the guys started talking about girls and their preferences. There were like 7 guys on the bus and probably 5 out of 7 agreed with only wanting to date a Light skin Female.
I automatically thought "Whoa?" So I questioned them whats the difference between a lighter skin tone and a darker one... No one had a specific answer. It was more along the lines of "they just better."
Then I remembered a whole lot of things that I experienced years before.
Case 1: My aunt is dark skinned and so is her 1st child. Her last 2 children are light skinned. We were going to the park one day and she says "Ooh let me put sun screen on my babies. I don't want them to get all dark!" Mind you she neglects the oldest.
Case 2: There was this guy I met one night at the club. We talking outside the club and he complimented me and said "You're real cute to be dark skin." I'm like WTF? So I give him the stank face and walk away.
Case 3: Many of the females I went to school with only wanted to date a light skin guy. Because of fear of their babies coming out nappy headed and dark. So Its just not the fellas that discriminate.
Don't get me wrong though. I understand people have their preferences but, why would you limit yourself to one skin tone. And also this is a slave mentality that we should all stray away from. No one chooses to be the color they are and sometimes (a lot of times) we insult each other on things that we can't change.
I feel like I am the only one that see this division. Of course it's not as bad as it used to be but for some reason people are still passing this type of thinking on to their children so its a never ending cycle of Separation, Prejudice and discrimination.
I hear kids taunt each other because of skin tone. I have learned that all shades of black is beautiful and its the truth. If we were all the same color that would take away so much of our heritage and roots.
As always I'm wishing for a change that will unite us and love and appreciate one another for our differences. Not oppress each other on what makes us Unique.
Remeber this: There is NO superior color to be because ALL BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL!
Labels: black relationships prejudice shade tone white ligh dark race divide unity