Retrospectively... HMMM??
Well, now is the season where all my high school buddy's statuses on Facebook are reading, "Gotta study for this final. *deep breath* Just a few more weeks until graduation!" I am so elated for everyone. Pomp and Circumstance plays in everyones mind for that day of schooling is COMPLETELY OVER!! For some atleast. I am so happy that they did the impossible. However, a girl like me; Im not so sure if I could have done that. I've been through heck of alot when high school was over. Yeah some people probably experienced more but it was MY full plate. I know Im not graduating college with my Music Ed Degree and I'm no where close, but I feel like I've been left in the dust. However, I have accomplished alot. Last year I made close to 30,000. (Not to Shabby for a 20 yr old with no degree right?) I managed to move out on my own and hold that down for a year with my roomie. Ive developed tons of talents, did so many things, met new people, cried new tears, and conquered bigger obstacles. On the flip side I failed at new things, took more risks, and cut a lot of people off. That stuff made me stronger but ALL in ALL this time of year with all these college graduations Im not going to sulk around. I will just look at this as motivation. Focus on my music, image, and career and make the best of '09 thats still mine. Much more to come.
Peace and Much luv 2 YA!!
Peace and Much luv 2 YA!!