Wednesday, June 18, 2008

BOSTON Championship

I know I am about to come off like a sports journalists, but BOSTON TOOK HOME THE TITLE OF 2008 NBA Championship Winners!! YAY. Once I saw that line up of starters specifically Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, and Kevin Garnett, I knew they would make it all the way. With an ending score of 92 - 131 can I say WOW. but I do not want to forget about my young upcomer Rajon Rondo. He played such a great game all those steals were just beautiful. I was just so surprised at how the Lakers handed the Celtics that game. They were playing like the game was fixed. Kobe was not at his best, Fisher did nothing. I was so surprised. But it was funny because around 8 minutes in the 3rd qurater I had a vision of Paul Pierce winning MVP!! I explained it to the T to my sister of how it was going to look. But anyway that was great and I am so happy that they won.... And also KG gave a beautiful speech. It was so heartfelt. There is nothing like seeing a man cry about HAPPINESS and his true passions and dreams. GO BOSTON!!


R. Rondo


Friday, June 13, 2008


Okay if you dont know you should now consider yourself INFORMED!!! R Kelly was found NOT GUILTY?! I know a lot of people are happy that the case is over and that he got away with such acts, but truthfully I think he should have been accused of his twenty something acts of child pornography and statutory rape. As much as we love his baby making music this still doesn't justify him making love to babies. I also feel that the girls' parents or guardians should be accused and convicted of soliciting minors. I don't know any mother or father that is in their right mind to allow a grown man do whatever to their baby girl. Yes we all have seen the video and the little girl at the time of the "PRODUCTION" did seem as if she has done such sexual acts but it doesn't make it right for her to do this with a MAN. This just lets you know that with money you can buy almost anything and pertaining to this case FREEDOM. This does not settle with me at all. So the next time you hear an R Kelly song and he is singing about your body, making love and whatever else think about that tape. Not so cool anymore huh??


Thursday, June 12, 2008


Okay so I know that everyone is well aware of the presidential candidates, but I want to talk about the Democrats. Hence, Barack Obama. Now being a Black woman I am such a supporter of him and the changes that he will implement if he makes it to the Oval Office. Now to address all this controversy. I think it is RIDICULOUS but it is not far fetched. From the MEDIA scrutinizing him and his wife's "fist bump" and to them calling her " BARACK's baby's mama". I think that since he is a BLACK man he will constantly be under that microscope. I think it's wrong and the only reason why they do this is because he is BLACK. And furthermore we have to realize that the media does this. Mostly FOX NEWS and CNN are the main reasons for all this purile behavoir and they have republican views. So the reason for that is COLOR. Yes indeed racism is still alive in 2008. But, sadly at this point in the race for presidency there is nothing we can do. We citizens have casted our most important vote last year for the Senate and House Representatives. I say this because the Constitution says this as well. Let me explain. We live in a democratic republic. Democratic means equality for all ( and to be specific I am referring to voting) Republic means a state in which supreme power rests in the body of the citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. Combine both definitions you have a form of government embodying democratic principles and where the monarch ( President) is head of state. SO let us focus on the definition of Republic. We citizens are entitled to vote; that is for the ones we elect directly which are the senate and house reps. So that means indirectly we vote for the President. Ever notice that during presidential elections you hear a popular vote and electoral college vote. Well the electoral college is the house reps and senate. WE put them in office and they put the President in office. I know it is a little shocking but so true. I did the research and it all makes since. Not saying the government isn't deceptive but the truth is there. So to pull this all together it is up to the Media, those lobbyists, and House Reps and Senate who determines the president. So will they elect Barack. Who Knows?
